TASTE OF WITS I By Daniel Ezeokeke


Kings measure true greatness with the 
barometer of servitude.

Is greatness grandiose poses, facial 
embellishments, facade of betterments,
semblances of perfections or put-ons 
eulogized on unctuous streets of the media? Well!

Is greatness digital cowries, unseen bucks, 
stacked in Louis Vuitton bags, or coins 
stored up in foul potbellies of avarious
gourmands? Maybe

Is it then Midas touch, or the grey monuments 
of fame buried in cemeteries of ghosts who
sold their soul for a denarii during the great depression? Hmm!

It's nub can only be seen in the nucleus of servitude, 
that sparkle which lightens darkened hope, 
the sprite that invokes fumes of joy in languid hearts.
Lo! the scent of strength oozing from a bevy of ants

© Daniel Ezeokeke
