Would you still love me ?

Will you still love me if the world totally looses her sense of true love ? 

Will you still do, if hell belches forth her minions on the euphoria of our love, or when troops from Gaza defecate bombs on the ecstaty of our hearts? 

Even if I loose my jobs... or my Ferraris...or my masculine strength, would you ?

Well... since I'm not Regha who knows all things, I won't say yea, or nay darling...! 

but I've felt the texture of your love, saw a glimpse of it when I peeped through the window to your beautiful soul- your eyes,

for your love is beyond marvel, could make a cripple leap, it's beyond life's breadth & height, beyond twitter takes, beyond death & the afterlife! 

your love, wirra transcends that which forty bald martyrs in the early 1800's had for the heralder of their believed "truth",.

Its greater than Eve's love for Adam's Apple! than butterflies craving for wet flowers, than my perceived need for you (think on this a little)

Darl...., I sure would believe your love is deeper than my belly - a wonder that could fill 12 loaves of bread and a pot of beans (Indeed a miracle!) 

Dear Wirra!, your love is beyond magic, the eight wonder, Absolutely!

but, like Ahitophel, I've got doubts.... 

...would you still love me even if I want you no more?!.. I hope not. 

For yours is sweeter than lips of adult virgins born in the 80's! fragrance of your breathe gives my dying bones life.

but like Thomas, "friend of the Upholder of the Algorithm of Grace & Truth", I've still got doubts... 

would you still do if ten sheiks from south Asia troop in with ganglions of golds & camels beckoning on your mother for your hand in marriage (simps...yh)

would you still do if I get locked up in Peru? Or far Para-guay, excommunicated in the middle of the seas? Would you, Wirra!..?

An Antecedent to my Poetry Project "March 24"..

Picture Art-  March 2014, Abeokuta (Leonard Ezeokeke)


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