The Poems you didn't write

The poems you didn't write 
are notes of sounds never 
composed in fine lines of songs

They are like seeds sown 
into the soul without their 
shoots springing forth

They are currencies of dreams 
never printed in the bank 
of reality

Like the beaming of a beautiful 
future terminated by the 
circumstances of life

The poems you didn't write are 
beautiful spirits, flames of love
choked in an evil ambience, 
left forever to suffer the wraths of hell

They are like bloods drying up 
in fragile hearts, like sperms
wasted during plagues of Onanism

They are like sweet melodies metamorphosing in a gentle heart,
but left to decompose, out of fear 
and timidity

Like politicians singing sweet songs
of audio promises, choking the
destinies of millions in a condemned cage

Written by Daniel Ezeokeke

Inspired by Ajise Vincent 
