weren't you told of our youthful journeys
from the river bank of obscurity, headed
towards the path to illumination?
Of our quests to subjugate raging
hormones with a book emitting
immaculacy, and how we kept beholding
an image, seeking for perfection?
Of how prior to then, the fluids in our loins
reverberated sounds made at the
glance of dames: and how our tongues
were baptized in mighty oceans of lies?
How our minds were shut and on it was
an inscription 'diamonizomai'?,
Of our blissful odysseys with Aphrodite's
descendant; and how we offered orgasmic
sacrifices on altars of onanism-
weren't you told how mercy later shone on
our frames, vindicating us from odious cages,
opening our eyes to light which we found
in truth's bosom?
Weren't you?
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