Leo!.. A journey

"We will be the best versions of ourselves if we look deep within" - leo

When you peeped into me that evening, what did you see??

Red cells, testaments of pain, dark years in Unaab...past rejections, unrequited love? 

Did you see teary clouds, wavy, gory groaning, loneliness, eccentricities, horniness unquenched by the finest of herbs?

yh!..in it, you saw a small city moulded for long by witches drowning in holiness, you came across spartan lifestyles, uncaged wantings, gurgitations which cannot be measured using sands of time!

you might have seen selflessness large as the Euphrates, yet deep as the southern Mediterranean beds. 

surely, you will come to see a tall "belle mademoiselle" dressed in light blue, with a body scent solely soothing my nerves coupled with her warm lips. 

When you hold my palms to know its texture, what do you feel ? 

Ohh.. labor, wirra!. softness, beauty? Well... It's only lies in the eye of the beholder! (a banality).. 

those who behold these palms see light..and lust, the later doused by nights of endless wars between my good & flesh. 

I could have married the other, considering my endless needs, I chose chastity!. A choice many hated, a lonely path.

truly....I was on a crossroad, 

"between life & death,
three miles beyond evil, 
kilometers above love and hate,"

but I kissed her words which gave strength even to my fainting tongue!. And wits....(Sophia; erraticisms)

Will you then look into my eyes, a window to my beautiful soul housing my thoughts?.. 

Will you look into "Leo!" and behold the Overman!?

An Antecedent to my coming Project "Dear Christiana"
